iMOVIES  &  i N T E R N E T  M A T T E R  present


The CO2 Pipeline Deception

"Kamala’s carbon pipeline climate scam impacts human health, destroys the environment, and costs taxpayers billions of dollars. Let’s get President Trump back in the White House and me to Washington so we can stop this massive boondoggle." - Robert F. Kennedy

Crooks will not vote for Kennedy they only vote for their portolios such as when nobody had nor caught covid-19 anywhere in the universe at any time in history as the public hellth septic system in response to the fake danger forced people to breathe back in their carbon dioxide gas

Covid is a made up construct. No human nor animal can catch imaginary concepts. We can catch a base ball as that is real. Throw me covid-19 you can't it is not a real object. You have covid-19? You are a real object? OK then throw me you. You can't you cannot throw yourself at me for me to catch. Even if you could I'd drop you as I have a life to live I can't carry you around with me everywhere. Dr. Sam Bailey has been covering this for years now.


"i" typecast in coronavision


"i" seeks to make a movie "Am I Religiousist" in reprohyperundismismalresponse to what Matt Walsh ignores a sick comedy showing the ritual abuse of baby men where adult religiousists think cutting off part of baby men's dicks pleases GOD who made them in HIS & HER image not their$ it is a ritual that pleased Oprah and Sandra Bullock who proudly boasted of wearing foreskin face and laughed at it's male victims as racing to entertain is what matter$ mo$t


Seeking peace and quiet?

Vacay away from dangerous unicorns.

Vacay away from dangerous unicorns.

Vacay away from dangerous unicorns.

www.visit a world free of .viruses HERE

Early 19th century there was a masturbation panic like the freak ass corona halo panic in 2020. Kellogs CEO said hacking off part of the baby man's dick would solve that problem. It was as loony as the 6.666 foot distancing to stop the spread of dangerous unicorns. So that's where it started during the modern medi SIN era. Listen to Blood Stained Men interview on this horror show that continues to be allowed be done to non consenting children. It's 2,024 years after imaginary Jesus had his dick sleeve removed does anyone actually believe he's coming back a 2nd time to be both circumcised and crucified?

 Today in the Unintact States of Amerika all girls have a legal right to all of their body parts why not boys? Where is the equal protection? It's being VIOLATED. When humans are raped some call that being VIOLATED. Religious rites do not supercede human rights. For your body as born to be left intact is fundamental human right how can anyone with a brain deny this. "Oh what a perfect baby boy" they all say then watch the knife slice like it's a sausage at a deli and take the baby home after it's just been sexually abused thinking it's all good.

In memory of the sexually mutilated child at the hands of the sick medicull profession that pro fe$$es it knows better than you or GOD's design let history note The Phallus Holocaust affected many lives in this brutal torture of the human male.

Kennedy space center

a minder once again......If KENNEDY was president in 2020 you would have not had to "get your life back" and your business would have not been circumcised.

Robert F. should if president assign the a.faucidae variant parasite to selling used brakes that the little rat and his smirk buddy zillionaire that people trust for vaccine advice will claim are safe and effective while we know that it's only effective at building yachts and vacation rentals that deplete the regular housing supply.

Tronald Dump was asked about seed oils. An0maly responds but hey dude let's ask would Kennedy look into the abuse of baby men by modern a medi SIN if he was head of FDA?

Man discovers a world free of viruses!

His amazing discovery was accomplished by traveling to inner space. Did you catch dog flu this season oh that's right only dogs catch dog flu, bird brains catch bird flu and whatever new method of cycling chemicals & what's that you heard? No one catches flu like a baseball, they create flu. ON with the show.

Men with lunch pails © 1897 shortest film ever made on planet Urth

Vagabonding on the Pacific © 1927 John Barrymore scene where two men are arm and arm


The Unknown © 1927 with Joan Crawford this movie has a great little gay scene see if you catch it

Your Family ©1958 the home movie arrives but is there time to watch it 

The Desert Empire part III ©1948 a study in emissions and what to do about them

Train leaves Ogden Utah across the deserts while transporting passengers and disinfecting the air with it's carbon cleansing emissions. There is no better air cleaning and energy saving device. Carbon in your water filters. Carbon in your air. Carbon in your sugary soda. These filters added to the air do not have to be changed, Mother Nature handles changing them regularly using climate, that is what they mean by climate change. Black Rock is also featured in this film of course playing it's part in climate theater and imovies.


Quality Street ©1927
silent film remembering a time when quality was king and drama was queen of imovies.


Too Many Mamas ©1924 fun early comedy about cheating on your wife @


Conway Tearle Silent Film Star Original 8x10 Photograph on eBay and imovies


In making moving images and still photographs composure is one element that can make it shine. In a still photo of Jack Palance from The Lonely Man 1956 which also starred Anthony Perkins from
Psycho 1960 I noticed a positioning of the two subjects, the horse and Jack, in a unique imovies position. I'm not sure if this was purposely set up this way but look at the horses hoofs positioned between Jack's legs. Unique and provocative composure can be key to great imagery be they moving or not. Be creative!

invisible threat hunters just make everything up


even the CEO of Bayer pHARMaceuticals said with out the PAN ick the world would have never allowed injections of alleged genetic engineering merely to replace flu shots


Just when you thought calculations with computers and mathematics was absolute science we find out that too was like the fake moon landing. They may be when presenting that porn you watch and yes absolutely 2+2 = 4 except that formulas can at the same time have a big glitch being completely opposite.

See example presented with the formula using glass half full and half empty being equal but not equal as presented by the masterful Dr. Tom Cowan who educated us on why we already live in a virus free world but not a world free of drama.


silent fims are best when they are silent! "Now We're In The Air" 1927

a thriller about EPA saying citric acid kills viruses should not be silent




"i" movies go homo



is the beginning!

says who?
