iMOVIES  &  i N T E R N E T  M A T T E R  present



 Disabled energy factories invade Queensland's pristine forests.


 We better wake up and STOP THESE THINGS before the entire ecosystem is totally ruined by these handicapped camouflage systems that pretend to be something they are not, they are hiding in the bushes ready to pounce. WATCH

See how disabled energy is destroying Arizona's Little Grand Canyon

shhhhhh the imovies about to start and end here

"I discovered a movie set"

Once upon a time a professional space planning department told us men fit inside luggage something like when Lucy was trying to get shipped to France & Ricky said she was not invited. Maybe that's where space agency script writers got the idea after smoking a cigarette in outer space of the script writing department.

They then went into another space, in a capsule just a little bigger than those you swallow like the world's stage of novels, and it all wow'd Urth's flat inhabitants. The Man In The Moon played a role. His story was made.

Not only did we go to the moon we went through the moon and went to the Sun and went in coronas around it like our minds do on Urth with all the propoganda orbiting it.

ROFL. People still believe this nonsense.

First day a stamp flew into the space of flat pulp commerating one of the many projection schemes. The curved thing is a nickle.


Looks like it was just filled with mercury about as much as is in those "vack scenes" of many a theatrickal performance. That's the science. Just like the imaginary world of viruses. You can see cartoons and say that it proves it's real. Some say we need to stamp out projection. Movie space is spacing us out of our minds. Instead maybe we need to make more imovies notless.


Kennedy space center.

If KENNEDY was president in 2020 you would have not had to "get your life back"


Life is a script. We are all just movies.

imovies need a new anti-acronym rating system as the world's an orchestrated pit and we are all just playing around.

40 years serial liar Auchi Fanthony has no trouble lying to the camera as the inventor of the magnifying lens stated long ago and this year is no different and Damon Imani again appears on The View and calles out the lies of a rat that was installed by democracy rats in the 1980's disco daze who all made fortunes in their insider trades of drug stocks as they rode that wave of aidsing and placing betting on all the treatment and prevention garbage of a virus never proven to be anything more than a cartoon dangerous unicorn.

What happens when the apple orchards are all gone as this farmer explains all his trees have been bulldozed in Europe after 50 years of farming apples to install artifical fruit trees instead all hooked up to "in silico" science for AI production and projection of fake fruit and artificial viruses.

Instead of noticing this horror people keep paying attention to artificial lack of intelligence porn on their ever so important devices as the de-vice-ives in control of everything watch people die for "security" reasons and declare an emergency and militia so the science has billions more to merely conclude that a virus that does not exist "did it" and it's rapidly starring in more cartoons that present mutations of previous scripts. If you have not got the memo yet big tech and govern MEANT only cares about it's wealth not your health. The other memo you surely missed is what that Doctor Stefan Lanka proved in court of all places that viruses do not exist. The Fauxist strain of science keeps shredding those memos as it would destroy it's business model of dumping China's chemical waste into arms, a more effective way of recycling and disposing of chemicals, letting the body have the burden instead of the company in dealing with these chemical pollutants. For those who are not well versed in criminal behavior we might reflect on how fPizer was burdened with a criminal conviction largest "oh that's FINE just pay us some money" in history in the billions handed in by govern MEANT that beat all other criminal drug companies fines combined, it's interesting how humanity shuns criminals but when the criminals say something on TV they suddenly orbit around it and stay stuck with it and when inventors of bigger and better magnifying glasses point out they can't see viruses with the tests that fake find hive and fake find kovid falling off the runway the public again only listens to the TV commercials giving them hellth advice as their doctors also just parrot what commercials say about wanting drug infused crackers and artificial everything.

No one got raped with the FDA approved Comirnaty vaccine, it does not exist in physical form any more than any virus. Try to find any one who knows this fact. Even fact checkers don't know this as they are all retarded and working for these criminulls. They may have been raped with the fake emergency use authorization version or the Pink Himilayan salt placebo version as either contains ample amounts of no liability for the drug company. Yea, to be clear the Pink version does nothing to support the wacky idea that people bought of "protection" from dangerous unicorns thus allowing a safe and effective dining experience. Imagine that in 2020 hindsight, the public would not go out for steak without a placebo or and experimental chemical brew. We can thank the overactivists in the 1980's for this mess, who demanded a vaccine then, the hustlers behind the scenes, drug companies leaders of that time that are full of liars and hustlers, the TV shit boxes that ran stories of fear about dangerous unicorns, the sexual commune rnaity for being duped and falling head over heels in love with the drama and demanding including all the sexuals in the drama inclusively to work that overactivist agenda, and the retarded demands made on govern MEANT to fix complex health matters never caused by what does not exist. We knew then what caused rare health issues, it's been written and reported about by quality individuals not hustling anyone for decades. TV and newspapers just promoted the drama, the fear that's where the money started GUSHING IN as the congress then also approved drug ads on TV. The govern MEANT to help but got sucked in and forced into giving pHARMa, 40 years of A. Fauci, agencies, etc. immunity from harm. This no liability that was given pHARMa by congress laid the perfect foundation for the public to be abused for about 4 years after Kovid walked down that Runway wearing a Scottish face diaper setting the stage of what hustle was to come in 2020 hindsight.

A reminder once again......

If KENNEDY was president in 2020 you would have not had to "get your life back"

Man discovers a world free of viruses! his amazing discovery was accomplished by traveling to inner space. Did you catch dog flu this season oh that's right only dogs catch dog flu, bird brains catch bird flu and whatever new method of recycling China's chemical waste can be sold for profit & what's that you heard? No one catches flu like a baseball, they create flu. Sorry I forgot. There is no ball.

1966.666 was the year down to the millisecond and this is what was presented to the world when television was still young and before the internet could talk more than baby talk and see glaring flaws not from the sun but from the flat Urth below see if you notice the glare, it was supposed to be a space walk but it's really just a total joke "in silico" science which is a total joke before imovies was not possible to notice safely and effectively without using drugs. Can we all admit now we were punk'd. Yes I know the year is wrong but it's message is real. Funny how people notice that and not the space junk that supposedly landed on the moon that obviously came out of a 3rd grade science and art project.

Kennedy Space Center. Think about that.

Who would plan a climate unlock up & down and how much energy does that transfer to portfolios and pensions that ALL run on fossil fuels. Take for example handicapped energy generators on poles that shred birds that are owned by pension funds your electric bill payment includes a cut for pensions.

20,000 amputations of Gods' perfectly good body parts over 40 years, why isn't the man in prison. Proof that equal treatment does not exist and is not a priority. Will it ever. If humanity can't come to grips with this reality of what it does to baby men and stop this torture and abuse everything it says about equal treatment is garbage. Watching another imovie is not going to fix it either, or, maybe it will who's tested it?

Hydrogen uses more energy. Yes siree step right up it's one more way to waste energy another marketing and politicical loving tough lie. Save the sustainable my ass.

Water is no longer banned in Idaho. Why? Who needs water or oxygen? Breath control used to be a very very short term S&M sexual scene in the seconds then it was projected onto the flat screen of daily life for much of each day for a few delusional years. Kinda sick. Very retarded. Corporations went along with the drama, they obviously did not have internet connections to find out the facts. imovies realized what was behind the scenes on day one plus 100 years prior.

Illustration of a round corona peg and a square fabric hole. The round corona peg and the square fabric hole are true to proportional size but enlarged for view. Many people think that wearing these masks will stop round corona pegs from entering the lungs yet it's clear they go right through the square hole. As you begin to fully understand what Hustlers In Virology have kept hidden from you, soon you start to understand that viruses if they even existed based on the science they present are about 1000x smaller than the fabric holes that let some oxygen through. So why doesn't your corporate run govern MEANT influenced "hellth" department present fancy cartoons showing this fact like we have here? Could it be that it would start to blow away all the fucking lies they constantly present because they are run by idiots and Hustlers In Virology? They work for illusionceutical industry plain/simple. That's why we saw this orchestrated lie lead to exactly what we predicted in March 2020, the push to inject people with China's chemical waste products as "the only way to get your life back". It was an orchestrated imovie.

Brain death is not death it's another medi SIN fraud to steal "donated" organs while the person is still alive and it's only after those organs are being removed while the person is alive that they try to revoke their donation card but can't and doctors do not care as it's all about the billing. Even the baby man knows this from birth if they took 1/2 his dick sliced off while alive to donate to Sandra Bullock and Oprah's face creams and then too was not able to stop it. The whole medical industry is one sick fuk. Why does CON gress do nothing to stop such abuse of living beings.

South pole more ice than ever. 8 thermometers to check climate change. USA has 2643. Already the science is garbage. Eat it up for dinner kiddies. Nobel Laureat explains. People only trust their television and imovies. NASA fiddle tee  dee$$$ with the data.

Most of these thermo dynamic meters are place incorrectly in heat prodcing cities which skew the science. Some of these are often appearing on project runways that skew the science there in the fashion world.

Alarmists sell alarm$. Best way to know it's a CULT or a sleasy marketing department is when all they want to talk about is how bad it is if you don't BUY their solution. To fake save the planet and keep collecting your energy the cult had the oil platform 200 miles off shore get an extension cord.

So they find oil in the oceans they ship it to shore where it is burned to create generation of electricity then send this generated energy to the platform that was using generators to generate electricity to save the planet from natural robust energy saving energy. Who is behind this transfer of your energy to pensions.

Well proven that the climate is same there's a movie on climate change that should be unwatched. Made by a brilliant rocket scientist who invented the automobile, was first to fly an airplane, invented the internet, built the internet, recycled the internet, then flew to Uranus to explore there.

Carbon emissions from one match is more than 20 years of automobile driving. Climate change is a cult worse than the Fake Jesus cult. The climate change cult is not sustainable. It's merely hustle change stealing all of it from your pockets.

Sanity for Sweden about the English blabbering world says "I don't watch these movies they are so incredibly stupid". Seems to be talking about the insanity that includes govern MEANT acting like a nanny making sure the cows burp and fart properly in hyper proobsessive and obtusive measuring of each fart and burp so as to save the planet from the cult of normal behavior and  employs many illegal alien hsyterical actions by people that freak out when a cow is loose in traffic where it could cause a car to swerve and hit a baby or bike rider in those puke green lanes made to keep people safe and effectively confused where after the cop is trying to sincerely protect the public shoots the cow to slow it down and the drama queens then all fly into hysterics and demand the cop be fired as the drama takes over their mind cells even though the cow is not a pet treated like family, it's eventually going to be slaughtered for high protein diet excellent blood and muscle building nutrition for people over profit, no, the hysteria wins out. Frankly the world needs fewer road diets and more drama diets. Behind the scenes though is that cute little dog pulling back the curtain. We are all little dogs. We also chew on curtains. The end.

Spike Protein Fairytale - the reviews are in the Hustle In Virology (HIV) industry keeps pumping out that cartoon. Watch TRANSITION TV.

Remember sell-e-brit-ees are mostly just actors reading scripts hustling you to be a human injection cushion roaming experiment for Auchi Fanthony experiments where the script made people into the dogs he so lovingly mamed and tortured for science. That includes that scumbag Dr. Fill and all his treat pushing yuk. Remember though you'd like to forget all the sell-e-brit-ees went to their TV for health advice to "give" you as they "received" their cash as the commercials are all for junk like climate changing carbon infused massive doses of sugar H2O yum now with 666 times the caffeine to keep you busy and watch out for that fake ass climate cloud up there made of unmovable undissipate-ible logic.

ON with the show.

Men with lunch pails © 1897 shortest film ever made on planet Urth

Vagabonding on the Pacific © 1927 John Barrymore scene where two men are arm and arm


The Unknown © 1927 with Joan Crawford this movie has a great little gay scene see if you catch it

Your Family ©1958 the home movie arrives but is there time to watch it 

The Desert Empire part III ©1948 a study in emissions and what to do about them

Train leaves Ogden Utah across the deserts while transporting passengers and disinfecting the air with it's carbon cleansing emissions. There is no better air cleaning and energy saving device. Carbon in your water filters. Carbon in your air. Carbon in your sugary soda. These filters added to the air do not have to be changed, Mother Nature handles changing them regularly using climate, that is what they mean by climate change. Black Rock is also featured in this film of course playing it's part in climate theater and imovies.


Quality Street ©1927
silent film remembering a time when quality was king and drama was queen of imovies.


Too Many Mamas ©1924 fun early comedy about cheating on your wife @


Conway Tearle Silent Film Star Original 8x10 Photograph on eBay and imovies


Tip for new producers and flat earth shaking scripts get on the new bandwagon exposing the torturous lies of virology which is an industry built on illusions. Viruses have no physical form, if you question my authority as a producer director investigator on this then please present an isolated virus in physical form to our lab for review, no one in the world has been able to do this ever. Viruses do not exist. If they are not in physical form they do not exist. They are dangerous unicorns. They are a movie script idea. They are in the imagination. They are not real. The imovies show never ends.

In making moving images and still photographs composure is one element that can make it shine. In a still photo of Jack Palance from The Lonely Man 1956 which also starred Anthony Perkins from
Psycho 1960 I noticed a positioning of the two subjects, the horse and Jack, in a unique imovies position. I'm not sure if this was purposely set up this way but look at the horses hoofs positioned between Jack's legs. Unique and provocative composure can be key to great imagery be they moving or not. Be creative!

as the hellth snare systems

all started sinking after hitting

the slice Berg in Germany

slimultaneously the other disaster

 C;D;C imovies

stepped in to suggest a variety of

prevention techniques instead of helping

people board the life jackets and then

governments that fly planes while

building them made demands banning

the public use only uncertain safety vices

they were still busy designing amidst

device of their lawyers as that would

present a portfolio risk to sail the high

slease without having the subjects tested

foremost for selling sea shells at the sea shore

without government imovies enter ference

as each shell needs to be te$ted for 666 trillion


their indoor air started rotting

from chemical waste

imported from Wuhan

to kill what lemon and vinegar

would do if the invisibles had a brain

and as people died from these VOC

 blame portrayed the dangerous unicorn

that always wore foreskin face cream

"to look pretty"

as the public started figuring out

that the invisible threat hunters just make everything up


3 Smart Girls theater window sold on eBay

theater show times and admission cost of 10 cents left intact

sold for 293 88/100 intact US dollar value

unlike childrens foreskin that is sliced off

and put in women's face cream

offense not considered in that routine imovies showing always playing

of that horror flick

in hospitals throughout the Unintact States of America


silent fims are best when they are silent! "Now We're In The Air" 1927

Clara Bow starred in many silent films check out these photos of her

her original vintage Wedgewood stove restored imovies by her son is on eBay

she was a clown

funny pic of Mary Pickford climbing tree in 1926 silent film "Sparrows"

a thriller about EPA saying citric acid kills viruses should not be silent


You'v seen THIS theatrical performance over 100x what is it?


 . . . The birth of sellebration of the the savior of imaginary construct of the Roman Empire is December 25 then a week later the istists go on to another dominant religious cult ceremony of horror flicks which rhymes with getting their fix January 1st being Christiandom's "The Feast of the Circumcision of Christ" it's no wonder he never came back and we have to guess never will unless he's into being sexually abused as a baby a 2nd time by Sizzor Guy or humanity puts an end to such abuse of saviors it's like HalloY2Kweeny is every day for this cult that pretends to cover their sins in Jesus foreskin blood 666,666,666 palm size sections of the most sacred part of a man's body sacrificed to the Med I Sin gods in total so farish or some otherist entity someone's everyone got their priorities unstraighted in 2020 hindsight shows us the world's not a stage it's an orchestra pit moving on back to the real world of never ending fantasy to imovies feel better and avoid fixing Jesus broken body so it never happens again news flash he returned to celebrate his birthday and was crucified again for not believing in viruses so forget his suffering let's watch the elephant in the room . . . . . . end of part 1


s u d d e n l y  there were imovies


the elephant fainted find out why in part 2

those trying to save the planet ruined it

You'll never guess who said,
"Whoever came up with the term clean energy screwed up people's minds.......electricity is responsible for 25% of emissions"
 it was Bill Gates

the entire wind & solar industry is facing a total collapse 30 years and no one would listen so they carpeted the planet with disabled energy sticks and panels of black heat absorbing and emitting schitzo energy to fill pipelines and portfolios of those who aready have your inflationary cash pouring in non stop instead of giving everyone a home I mean what right does anyone have to have a home?

it is nice though in the theme of equal treatment of energy that they created vast handicapped parking areas to accomodate the disabled solar and wind farms who struggle every day to produce anything

"we would pretty much have to destroy the environment in order to produce the same amount of electricity that fossil fuels are producing today"

what stupid company or politician or leader or imovies hyperprooveractivistwould promote this crap?

Siemens Energy value as a company dropped similar to how 500 gallons of hydraulic oil drops and burns from a towering windscraper bird shredder piece of disabled garbage energy onto the ground as it burns and fake saves the planet

it went to an amazing $6.66 after 666 people pointed out the sky is oil falling on their heads

carbon blanket charity seeks donations


 Cowboy From Sundown 1940
SINOPSIS: In Dangerous Unicorn territory the sheriff thinks
he needs to quarantine all the cattle due to his herd mentality
"to keep the people safe" while the behind the scenes the banker
is scheming to corrall the cash cow imovies
THEN the sheriff discovers the real cause and all WELLth ness breaks loose


Fuzzy Bear presents "The Stolen Jooles"

campy scene in the police station

make door knobs great again


add more sparkling theater "The Devil Diamond"

here is scientific proof lifes struggles are fun


"he was reaching for his imaginary device to watch imovies"


Richard Dix is presented in "Womanhandled" 1925

When Kovid fell off the runway they all rushed in
and many were quoted as saying "I caught Kovid"


Then theys discovered a movie set on the world's stage

but there were too many orchestrated pits

so theyz stopped following the Carbon Dioxide Cult (C;D;C) guidelines

And who's this Doctor McSpikey dude dude running around with a common corona? Seems he caught an oil slick as he promotes his corona cures he can't even avoid corona himself. Fact is we eat a cold and flu and common corona we don't catch it. We create disease we don't catch it. needs a duck bill and a clown nose

He hustles his spike protein cure like any good traveling salesman would.

 We live in a world free of viruses dude did you not get the memo sure you did you threw it out after Christine Massey presented the memo and letter from California Department of PublicHELLth that stated they do not have evidence of any virus existing and you ran away and hid under your bed and next day went out to the playground with your friends selling gum and stealing lunch money from taxpayers. This man is especially trouble as he goes around to governing agencies and committees and councils spreading lies and junk science. In one presentation during the height of the fear campaign and lies about kovid-19 falling off the runway and everyone rushing in to catch him he mentions rather Speedy Gonzalaz like that

"When Omicron shaded and we know Omicron is the dominant variant because the departments of community hellth have taken a representative sample [that is an "in silico" model not as in a model walking the runway as in Kovid on Project Runway but merely a calculator's number crunching result with endless infinite possibilities] they do full what's called "in silico" modeling sequencing and we know now that 99% of the strains in the United States as they are elsewhere in the world are Omicron. In a paper by Gilliam and colleagues published in South Africa based on MODELING of the now changed spike protein it was determined that [named 3 drugs] would actually not sufficiently target [the virus].


What he just said is a pile of nonsense. It's not based in reality. Models of numbers, no physical form, how can he know 99% of these are strains of Omicron. It's all Hustle In Virology (HIV). Papers on viruses never reference any proof of physical object with such magical destructive powers. Spike protein drinks? Laughable junk science.

Read report on "in silico" science as in Silcon Valley science that studies viruses not in physical for but rather by computer algorythms and ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE also known as junk science and lies and story telling and crunch time throw shit together and get it out the door and see if they buy it and count the cash flow. WATCH presentation here where Dr. McSpikey Wellness Pusher is in committee hearing explaining his nonsense of what is basically claiming a pong ball in that 1970's "in silico" version of ping pong called "PONG" would be a real ball. This is what is being presented, that a video version of a "virus" never actually physically even proven to exist, is real using this junk science hustle of finding them using a computer. Most people just go along with the hustle as they don't really understand what is being presented. He's a very slick and sly fellow as is that entire  industry that slammed you in a room for 3 years to make you wellness which anyone with a brain understands is not about wellness it's about wealthness.

EPA says citric acid kills viruses so why are we poisoning our public spaces with Quaternary Amonium Cat Ions (QACI - pronounced "quacky") and why do we keep putting QUACKS in charge of Med I Sin? Theys are gassing us! go homo



is the beginning!